Fire Safety - a timely reminder (again)

23 Jun

With recent news of another successful prosecution for ‘inadequate fire safety measures' in licensed premises, and the release of research from Fire UK which shows a high level of apparent ignorance on the part of licensees of the need to have a Fire Risk Assessment in place, it is worth a further periodic reminder perhaps that:

  • Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the responsibility to undertake and have in place a ‘fit for purpose' fire risk assessment rests firmly with the operator of premises.
  • The Fire Authority will on occasion inspect and will expect the risk assessment to be produced and will also expect the premises to be compliant with what is contained in that assessment. Failure may well lead to prosecution or premises licence review.
  • Many pub tenancy agreements and leases make this the responsibility of the tenant/lessee; it is worth checking!
It is of fundamental importance that all premises have a ‘fit for purpose' Fire Risk Assessment prepared (and are in compliance with it!) and if the preparation of it is contracted out that it is prepared by a suitably qualified individual.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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